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Why We All Do What We Do

It’s Sunday morning.  You’re in the tech booth, observing the worship service taking place.  You listen to the message, see the lyrics to the worship songs on the screen, feel the thump of the subs in your chest (maybe not).  But do you ever stop to ask yourself, “Why do I do this each week?”  That’s a question that all of us have asked ourselves at least once.  Have you ever answered it, though?

We do it for God

This is an obvious one, or at least is should be. Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”  Our first focus should be on the One that we are worshipping and we should do it with excellence as well. Psalms uses the phrase “play skillfully” over and over again. But “skillfully” doesn’t mean just your physical ability. It means your heart as well.  The greatest commandment given (Mark 12:30) was, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” That’s all of us in everything we do.That’s a pretty high calling. Don’t just go through the motions, but make sure you are worshipping too.

We do it for others

You have a role in helping people encounter Jesus. Period. The buttons you push, lights you change and words you show all have an impact on someone as they experience worship. Regrettably, many people today only see Jesus on Sunday between nine and noon. Do everything you can to provide an environment that points them to Jesus. Any little distraction can allow Satan to plant that seed of doubt. Since the second greatest commandment (Mark 12:31) is, “…Love your neighbor as yourself,” you have an opportunity through what you do to love them to Jesus by what they experience. You can either choose to be an enhancement or a distraction.

We do it for ourselves

Now, I don’t want you to build up your own pride in what you do. Instead think of the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). Just a clarification, this parable is all about investing your resources. If we aren’t investing in the resources we have been given to make them more/better/enhanced, then in the end, we may lose those resources we have. You serve on Sundays week in and week out to make yourself a better person for the Kingdom. You are investing in yourself and your team and in the congregation for God’s glory.
So, this week, make an effort to be intentional and improve one thing. Work on that one thing for the next few weeks and then find another thing to improve for a few more weeks. Read a blog or listen to a podcast to help you improve.  Here are five of my personal favorite resources to help improve myself.

  1. Lighting/Staging – Church Stage Design Ideas
  2. Audio – Behind The Mixer
  3. Video –
  4. Presentation/Media – Church Motion Graphics Blog
  5. Marketing – Church Media Blog

No matter what you do, make sure you constantly check your purpose for doing what you are doing. If you get to the point where you aren’t fulfilling these things, then it might be time for a break so that you can refocus and reenergize yourself and then get back into the game.